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Total found: 2139
Karabusko Polje, Karabusko Polje
242m2, house, furnished, phone, 242m2, house, furnished, phone, new, lux 125.000€_thumb.jpg)
Stari Aerodrom
51m2, cafe, furnished, aircondition, 51m2, cafe, furnished, aircondition, phone, new, lux 125.000€_thumb.jpg)
Pejton, ulica Bratstva
105m2, 3.5, furnished, terrase, 105m2, 3.5, furnished, terrase, aircondition, elevator, phone, new, lux 95.000€_thumb.jpg)
Kruce, Bar
400m2, office and residential 400m2, office and residential space, furnished, basement, new 280.000€_thumb.jpg)