
Podgorica | Office | For Rent

  • Listing number:


  • Type:

    business building

  • Price:


  • Area:


  • Furniture:


  • Heating:

    central city heating

  • Floor:

    ground floor

  • Payment method:


  • terrase, elevator, parking, intercom, new, lux
  • Svi spratovi u objektu su tipski. U glavnom komunikacionom jezgru se nalazi hodnik iz koga se pristupa liftovima i protivpožarnom stepeništu, kao vertikalnim komunikacijama sa ostatkom objekta. U njemu su smješteni i toaleti i tehnička prostorija. Hodnik je od poslovnog prostora na svakom spratu odvojen protivpožarnim vratima otpornim na požar 90 minuta. Neto površina spratova: 362m2. Since the facility is intended for renting or selling, with the requirement that all spaces on floors are as flexible as possible, the object is designed according to the core and shell principle, i.e. with a central communication core and a shell that is finely equiped by the investors, while the business premises that are intended for rent in the so-called "gray phase" are left to equip the final user of the space

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